Sometimes fax machines are used to scan documents into a computer and to take a print of documents from computer. Fax machines converts a picture into zeros and ones format so that data can be easily transmitted like normal computer data while on the other side it reads the data and translates zeros and ones back into dots and reprints the picture.
Fax machines are affordable and easy to use devices. Fax machines transmit data at speed from 4,800 bps to 28,800 bps. Fax machines with a speed of 9,600 bps transmit one page within 10-20 seconds. Several fax machines use thermal printer that needs special paper to print the best pictures. Thermal paper mostly comes in two sizes such as 8.5 inches wide and 10.1 inches wide.
Some fax machines come with vast variety of dialing features. It enables you to set a program to send a document at future time. Another important feature of fax machine is that you can send multi page document without feeding each and every page manually in the machine.
Latest fax machines are a bit faster than the old ones. You should determine quality, price and other important features at the time of purchasing a fax machine. You can select ‘fax modem’ in case you want to send faxes but not receive them. Choice of fax machines depends on your requirements.
by: Anuj Sharma
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